
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease Pack

1.890 ден

  • A prerelease promo of Phyrexia: All Will Be One (this can be any rare or mythic from the set)
  • Six draft boosters from Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
  • A spindown die features 20 sides (D20) of Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
  • A Magic the Gathering: Arena code card (limited validity).
  • Information sheet for deck building.
  • A cardboard deck box.

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Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WCMG12-7 Категории: , Тагови: ,


Worship the fame and glory of Phyrexia. Celebrate Elesh Norn, the ‘Mother of Machines’ and the ruler of this cold world. Under her authority, everyone will be one, united in perfection! Mirrodin fell first, now it’s Dominaria’s turn, then the rest of the Multiverse will follow…

Take a look at the homeworld of the Phyrexians in Phyrexia: All Will Be One and discover how these power-hungry horrors are starving for world domination! Ten Planeswalkers battle the tide of Phyrexia – will you stand your ground like them, or will you soon be completed?



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