
Citadel Colour: Painting Handle XL

890 ден

Производител: Games Workshop

  • Pot size: 12ml

2 in stock

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WH344 Category: Tag:


The Citadel Colour Painting Handle XL features a well-balanced, ergonomic base that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, allowing you to paint longer with less strain. The massive spring-loaded clip securely grips bases ranging from 50mm all the way up to 170mm oval bases – that’s the largest standard base you’ll find in the current range!

The Painting Handle XL has been expertly designed to work with a range of modular hobby tools to enhance your painting and modelling experience. The base slots securely into the Citadel Colour Assembly Stand to keep even the largest models



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