
Canvas: Finishing Touches (Expansion)

2.190 ден

  • Број на играчи: 1-5
  • Времетраење:  30 мин
  • Вoзраст: 14+
  • Издавач: R2i
  • експанзија за Canvas (за да ја играте потребна ви е и основната игра)

1 in stock

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The gallery is seeking new masterpieces! In Canvas: Finishing Touches, complete your works of art and show them off to the world with the new Frames! These Frames add a layer of interaction as players compete to have their work displayed on the gallery wall.

Also features:
Platinum Ribbons – Grab a Platinum Ribbon whenever your painting is framed in the gallery.

New Scoring Cards for puzzling new challenges and added replayability.




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