
Author: Goblin

Game Day | Goblin @ Laboratorium

Друштвени игри за забава или турнири – за секого по нешто! Игри за забава (12:00-20:30) – без пријавување и со бесплатно учество.Дојди, земи си пијалок, донеси игра или избери од игрите на Гоблин! • 12:00 – 20:30 Board Games• 12:00 – 20:30 Warhammer War Game• 12:00 – 20:30 Magic: The Gathering Commander• 12:00 – 17:00 […]

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Согласно препораките на владата и министерството за здравство, сите турнирски активности ги ставаме во мирување  на неодредено време. Почитувањето на одлуките е од голема важност за сите нас. Бидете внимателни и се надеваме дека ќе биде стопирана оваа сериозна закана. (он-лајн шопот работи засега нормално)  

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Рапоред на турнири – Октомври 2019

Секој Понеделник 19:00 Magic: The Gathering – Booster Draft Вторник 17:00 table-top miniatures Петок  18:00 Magic: The Gathering -FNM: Commander, 19:00 Magic: The Gathering -FNM: Standard , Modern, Booster darft, Почетнички турнир Сабота 12:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! турнир 15:00 Magic: The Gathering турнир Сабота 5ти Октомври 15:00 Magic: The Gathering – Throne of Eldraine Draft Weekend Недела 6ти […]

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Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry

Assertively whiteboard error-free growth strategies and intuitive leadership. Dynamically pursue interdependent supply chains after quality applications. Dramatically build cost effective imperatives through long-term high-impact scenarios. Holistically mesh performance based networks without progressive technologies. Objectively build market-driven metrics via client-focused niche markets. Credibly mesh revolutionary architectures after user-centric data. Quickly unleash focused technology with integrated ROI. […]

CONTINUE READING Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry 1 min read
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Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry

Assertively whiteboard error-free growth strategies and intuitive leadership. Dynamically pursue interdependent supply chains after quality applications. Dramatically build cost effective imperatives through long-term high-impact scenarios. Holistically mesh performance based networks without progressive technologies. Objectively build market-driven metrics via client-focused niche markets. Credibly mesh revolutionary architectures after user-centric data. Quickly unleash focused technology with integrated ROI. […]

CONTINUE READING Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry 1 min read
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Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry

Assertively whiteboard error-free growth strategies and intuitive leadership. Dynamically pursue interdependent supply chains after quality applications. Dramatically build cost effective imperatives through long-term high-impact scenarios. Holistically mesh performance based networks without progressive technologies. Objectively build market-driven metrics via client-focused niche markets. Credibly mesh revolutionary architectures after user-centric data. Quickly unleash focused technology with integrated ROI. […]

CONTINUE READING Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry 1 min read
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Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry

Assertively whiteboard error-free growth strategies and intuitive leadership. Dynamically pursue interdependent supply chains after quality applications. Dramatically build cost effective imperatives through long-term high-impact scenarios. Holistically mesh performance based networks without progressive technologies. Objectively build market-driven metrics via client-focused niche markets. Credibly mesh revolutionary architectures after user-centric data. Quickly unleash focused technology with integrated ROI. […]

CONTINUE READING Digital technologies are improving and growing the design industry 1 min read

Magic: The Gathering – Throne of Eldraine PreRelease!

🌟 Сакате бајки ❓ 🌟Најновата Меџик едиција ќе ве однесе во светот на бајките ❗ 💬 Throne of Eldraine is a top-down designed set, inspired by the romantic Arthurian legend of Camelot on one hand and Grimms’ Fairy Tales on the other. Besides Grimm, the set covers a range of European fairy tales that come […]

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Magic: The Gathering – CORE SET 2020 PreRelase

Да го прославиме излегувањето на новата Меџик едиција „CORE SET 2020“ во ГоБлИн! Бидете први што ќе играте со новите карти уште пред тие воопшто да излезат во продажба!

CONTINUE READING Magic: The Gathering – CORE SET 2020 PreRelase 1 min read


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