
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Bundle

2.790 ден

  • 8 Set Boosters
  • 1 box to store cards
  • 1 Traditional foil alternate-art Invoke Despair
  • 20 Traditional foil basic lands
  • 20 Non-foil basic lands
  • 1 Exclusive oversized d20 spindown die

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SKU: WCMG29-2 Categories: , Tag:


Bundles are a great way to dip your toe into collecting Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. As part of our efforts to reduce plastic in our packaging, we have replaced the shrink wrap with a cover box and security seals on both ends of the package.

NEO Bundle oversized spindown dieInvoke Despair bundle promo

Each Bundle contains eight Set Boosters and a great box to store them in, plus more goodies:

  • 1 Traditional foil alternate-art Invoke Despair
  • 20 Traditional foil basic lands
  • 20 Non-foil basic lands
  • 1 Exclusive oversized d20 spindown die


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