
The Game: Face to Face (MK)

890 ден

  • Правила на македонски јазик
  • Броj на играчи: 2
  • Времетраење: 20 мин.
  • Возраст: 8+
  • Издавач: Plan B Games
  • Одбери 2 игри на македонски и освој 30% попуст на втората игра 
  • *понудата е за ОНЛАЈН нарачки
    *попустот не важи за производи кои веќе се на попуст
    *попустот се пресметува на играта со помала цена

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Листа на желби


The Game: Face to Face features gameplay similar to The Game with players laying down cards from their hand in ascending and descending piles, but now the game is limited to two players who are competing to get rid of their cards first. You want to win on your own, but to advance, you must inevitably help your opponent…

On your turn, you’ll play at least 2 cards from your hand of 6. The twist comes from where you can play them. Of course, your own ascending and descending piles are fair game and follow the normal rules of The Game.
But exactly once per turn, you can play a card on one of your opponent’s piles, breaking all rules. This ultimately helps them out, as it pushes whatever pile you played on away from its upper limit.



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