
Uno Deluxe Card Game

890 ден

  • Броj на играчи: 2-10
  • Времетраење: 30 мин
  • Возраст: 6+
  • Издавач: Mattel

2 in stock

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


Players race to empty their hands and catch opposing players with cards left in theirs, which score points. In turns, players attempt to play a card by matching its color, number, or word to the topmost card on the discard pile. If unable to play, players draw a card from the draw pile, and if still unable to play, they pass their turn. Wild and special cards spice things up a bit.

UNO is a commercial version of Crazy Eights, a public domain card game played with a standard deck of playing cards.

Deluxe Edition of the classic card game.




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