
Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck

800 ден


  • 40 Common Cards
  • 1 Ultra Rare Card
  • 4 Super Rare Cards
  • 1 Dueling Guide
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Game Mat

10 in stock

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Prepare for the next chapter of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon strategy with the electrifyingly awesome Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck!

Windsor, UK – Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. (KONAMI) launches the Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME today. This 51-card Deck is packed with everything Duelists need to take their Blue-Eyes Deck to the next level of invincibility.

At the heart of this Deck is the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon, a Level 12 Synchro Monster with incredible power. Once per turn, this Dragon can negate any effect your opponent has activated on the field, but it also consumes the negated effect to gain 1000 Attack Points for the turn. It also shields a Duelist’s Graveyard by preventing the opponent from banishing cards located there. In the unlikely event your opponent can overcome its 3500 Attack Points, Duelists can summon another LIGHT Dragon monster – even a Blue-Eyes White Dragon – straight from their Graveyard.

The Neo Kaiser Sea Horse arrives as a Level 4 Tuner that gives Duelists unmatched flexibility. Duelists can Special Summon it, adjust the Level of any Tuner (even itself) by +/-1, and then summon their strongest Synchro Monster. Summoning “Blue-Eyes” monsters becomes so much easier when sending them to the Graveyard for easy revival.

The powerful Spell called Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons lets Duelists Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon straight from the Deck, Graveyard, or banishment. If a Duelist already has one on the field, they can instead summon any “Blue-Eyes” monster they want, plus the Spell can also enable a Fusion Summon when in the Graveyard.

Maiden of White adds further utility to this Deck. Whenever this elusive Tuner is targeted (even by your own effects), Duelists can summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon or any Level 1 LIGHT Tuner from the Graveyard. Unlike most effects, the Maiden of White never banishes herself, allowing Duelists to use her effect continuously throughout the Duel.

This Structure Deck is filled with cards essential to any “Blue-Eyes” Duelist, including Blue-Eyes Alternative White DragonBlue-Eyes Jet Dragon, and even three copies of Sage with Eyes of Blue. It also has incredible cards such as Nibiru, the Primal BeingAsh Blossom & Joyous SpringInfinite Impermanence, and Effect Veiler, and more.

To mark the 25th Anniversary, each Deck includes a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare. In addition to the full 50-card Deck, each Deck will also include a bonus extra card, a second copy of Maiden of WhiteWishes for Eyes of Blue, or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. All three cards are already included in the Deck as Ultra Rares, but Duelists can also get a Secret Rare second copy of one of those three cards. There’s even a chance of that Secret Rare card upgrading to a Quarter Century Secret Rare.



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