
Boltund V Showcase

1.190 ден

  • 3 Pokémon TCG booster packs
  • 1 Boltund V Promo card
  • A code card for Pokémon TCG Live

1 in stock

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SKU: POK32-4 Categories: , , Tag:


Boltund V Showcase Box

A Pokémon with power, speed, and versatile attacks is every Trainer’s best friend. Boltund V has all these qualities and more! Charge confidently into battle with Boltund V’s electrifying combos and incredible speed. The stunning foil cards featuring Boltund V in the Boltund V Showcase to add into any collection. And the four Pokémon TCG booster packs can help you to round out your deck and tackle any challenge from your opponent.



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