
Compounded: Chemical Chaos (Expansion)

120 ден-37% OFF

  • Броj на играчи: 2-5
  • Времетраење: 30-90 мин
  • Возраст: 13+
  • Издавач: Dice Hate Me Studio
  • Експанзија за Compounded (за да се игра, потребна е основната игра)

1 in stock

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The Chemical Chaos promotional expansion pack adds 14 new Compounds and 1 additional Lab Fire to your game of Compounded (marked by chemical element symbol in corner of cards). These mix in more strategic play and chaos to the game.

When playing with the Chemical Chaos expansion pack, remove the starting Compound cards from the game. Shuffle the 14 new Compounds into the Compound deck and set up the starting research field with all random Compounds. Then separate the deck into 7 stacks and add the 6 Lab Fires. Game play then continues per the normal rules.



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