
Funko POP! Wicket W. Warrick with Pin (Amazon Exclusive) #290 Bobble-Head

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  • Производител: Funko
  • Висина: ≈10см.

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The Battle of Endor marked the end to one of the greatest sagas in the history of pop-culture, which spanned across three decades and transported us to a galaxy. far, far away.

After Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance finally defeat the evil Galactic Empire, a huge celebration party is thrown on Endor with its inhabitants, the Ewoks.

Here we have everyone’s favourite Ewok, Wicket W. Warrick, armed with his spear and standing upon an Endor-themed base.

He also comes with an exclusive Wicket enamel pin.

An absolute must for any true Star Wars fan, add Wicket W. Warrick to your Funko collection today!



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