
Obsidian Flames – Checklane Blister (Wooper)

400 ден

Each blister contains:

  • 1 booster
  • 1 collectible coin
  • 1 foil promo card

1 in stock

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Листа на желби
SKU: POK06-33 Categories: , , Tag:


Raging Flames Forged in Darkness!

Red-hot embers illuminate the pitch-black night and sparks flare into an inferno as Charizard ex surges forth with newfound powers of darkness! The glittering Terastal phenomenon imbues some Pokémon ex like Tyranitar, Eiscue, and Vespiquen with different types than usual, while Dragonite ex and Greedent ex show mastery of their own inner strengths. Not to be outdone, Revavroom ex, Melmetal ex, and more Pokémon promise to change the course of battle in the Scarlet & Violet—Obsidian Flames expansion!



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