
Paladone Minecraft – Creeper Glass

690 ден

1 in stock

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SKU: MUG52 Categories: , , Tag:


This 450ml (14floz) drinking glass features an all-over print of a Creeper, one of the main antagonists in Minecraft. They are one of the most unique, iconic hostile mobs found within the game and have a pixelated body covered in a range of greens to whites, accurately reproduced on this glass tumbler. Supplied in a closed printed box, this Minecraft Creeper glass makes a great gift for any fan of Minecraft or someone who just loves gaming in general. You could also by several and use at a Minecraft themed party or gathering. Any collector of Minecraft memorabilia would be pleased to add this to their collection. Brighten up any mealtime, games night or use in the office to show your love of Minecraft. Supplied as a single 450ml (14floz) drinking glass with printed design in a closed printed box.



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