
Small Empires Bundle

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Small Empires Bundle

  • Small Star Empires
  • Small Samurai Empires
  • Small Railroad Empires

1 in stock

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


  • Small Star Empires is a quick area control game for 2-4 players. In this game, players colonize the galaxy using their ships, which they move on a modular board containing hexagonal spaces (systems). The modular board is made up of seven different double-sided sector tiles, which allows for a different map and different experience each time you play the game.During a turn, a player must move one of their ships on the board. They can move the ship only in a straight line, as far away as they want, but they cannot go over systems controlled by other players. After moving the ship, the player has to choose whether to place a colony or a trade station in that system. Both of these mark control over the system until the end of the game, but the trade station gives the player bonus points for each adjacent system controlled by their opponents. The game ends when either all of the players have placed their colonies and trade stations on the board or until none of the players’ ships can move (because they have become blocked by other players’ systems).After the game ends, points are calculated. Each player gets one point for each planet that they have in their systems. (Systems have 1 to 3 planets on the board.) Players also earn points for Nebulae; the more they have from one color, the more points they earn, with bonus points from other special systems such as the Unexplored System Tiles, which are part of a variant in the game. After calculating the points, the player with the most points wins!


  • Small Samurai Empires is an action-programming area-control game for 2-4 players, where players are fighting for control of Japan with their armies of Samurai!A game of Small Samurai Empires is played in 3 Eras, each consisting of 2 rounds. Each round, players will take turns placing order tokens facedown on one of the slots available in the 4 regions of Japan. When all players have placed their tokens and filled all the token slots, they will be revealed and resolved one by one by the owner of the token. These order tokens will enable the players to recruit mighty Samurai armies, move their armies to conquer provinces, build castles to defend and maintain control of their provinces and do other meaningful actions.At the end of each of the three Eras, players will score points depending on the regions they control and their value, which can change during as the game progresses. Finally, the player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
  • Small Railroad Empires is a pickup and deliver, track-laying and set-collection board game for 2-4 players, where players build railroad tracks, send trains with goods from industries to cities, and complete achievements to earn prestige!During their turn, players will build their tracks by placing 2 trains on the modular board. When building tracks, players must pay the gold costs for the different terrain that the track passes through. Once a track connects an industry that produces a good with a city that demands that certain good, the player may send a train to complete the delivery and earn gold depending on the track length.Players will also race to complete achievements such as: “Be first to make 4 deliveries” or “Be first to build 3 Tunnels” for which they will earn extra prestige.Finally, when all players run out of tracks to lay down, the game ends. Player calculate the final prestige points they have from the achievements and the player with the most prestige is the winner!


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