
Who Did It?

690 ден

  • Број на играчи: 3-6
  • Времетраење:  15 мин
  • Вoзраст: 6+
  • Издавач: Blue Orange 
  • Одбери 2 игри од Blue Orange Games и освој 25 % попуст на втората игра
  • *понудата е само за ОНЛАЈН нарачки
    *попустот не важи за производи кои веќе се на попуст
    *попустот се пресметува на играта со помала цена
  • * кликнете на тагот Blue Orange Games да ги видите сите нивни игри

3 in stock

Листа на желби
Листа на желби



“My parrot did NOT poop in the middle of the living room, but I think a rabbit did it!” As the proud owner of a cute little rabbit, you need to quickly clear it of this deed and put the blame on
another’s pet. You must trust your memory and your reactivity or you might blame a pet already proven innocent and be left with clearing the mess!
Defend the innocence of your 6 pets by getting rid of all your cards. Quickly find the right card as they are accused, lay it down first, and then pass the blame to another animal. To avoid being the owner of the guilty pet, make sure to act fast and remember which animals were already proven innocent.



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