
Lightning Overdrive Booster

300 ден

4 in stock

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


The Yugioh Lightning Overdrive Booster contains:

– 9 cards each

In this edition, 2 popular ace monsters will receive an ultimate upgrade!
This includes first number 39: Utopia from the Yu-Gi-Oh series Zexal. The game-changing and versatile Ace Monster from Yuma and Astral, gets a new upgrade to the form number C39: Utopia Ray. Along with many more “ZW” monsters and “rank increase” Spell Cards, Utopia gets plenty of support.

Akiza’s Black Rose Dragon will also receive a brand new upgrade. More cards will be released to get the dragon on the field faster and more efficiently through Synchro Summoning

The set consists of 100 cards in total with a rarity distribution of 50 Commons, 26 Super Rares and 14 Ultra Rares and 10 Secret Rares.



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