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Diamond Select Toys Lord of The Rings Series 4 – Uruk-Hai Orc Deluxe Action Figure

2.490 ден-17% ОНЛАЈН Попуст!

  • Collect Gandalf the Grey & customizable Uruk-hai Orc
  • Uruk-hai Orc includes multiple interchangeable heads and weapons
  • Over 16 points of articulation
  • Full-color window box

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SKU: AF65 Категории: , , , Таг:


A Diamond Select Toys release!

The journey continues, with another series of detailed action figures based on the Lord of the Rings film trilogy! Gandalf the Grey makes his debut in the line, with his staff and his sword Glamdring, and the other figure in the assortment is a customizable Uruk-hai Orc, including multiple interchangeable heads and weapons. Each features over 16 points of articulation, and each comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Eamon O’Donoghue, sculpted by Gentle Giant Studios!


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