
Diamond Select: Lord of the Rings – Gimli with Sauron Parts

2.490 ден

  • Figure is in 15 cm scale
  • Detailed sculpting
  • Full range of accessories
  • Comes with a part of the 33 cm Sauron build-a-figure!

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: GIF911-3 Категории: , , , Таг:


Form the Fellowship!

The epic new series of Lord of the Rings action figures begins with the original odd couple, the dwarf Gimli and the elf Legolas! Each 18 cm scale figure features 16 points of articulation, detailed sculpting and a full range of accessories. Each comes packaged in a full-color window box with hangtag, and each figure comes with a piece of Sauron – collect the first six figures in the line to build the 33 cm villain!



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Кошничка 14