
Huzzle Cast Equa

990 ден


  • Level 5
  • Material: Metal
  • Mission: Disassemble and assemble puzzle
  • Players: 1
  • Size Box 7,5×11,7×4,5cm

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: EUR53 Категории: , Таг:


Disassemble and assemble puzzle:

We have created a puzzle that takes on a ball-like shape of an astronomical model composed of a planet and a surrounding ring. The planet positioned tightly inside the ring looks as if it cannot be taken out, and all you can do with it is rotate it on its axis. Or is this really the case? The theme of the puzzle is “heaven”,

made by Oskar from The Netherlands. © 2008, 2018 Hanayama Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.



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Кошничка 22