
Huzzle Cast Heart

890 ден


  • Level 4
  • Material: Metal
  • Mission: Disassemble and assemble puzzle
  • Players: 1
  • Size Box 7,5×11,7×4,5cm

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: EUR28 Категории: , Таг:


Disassemble and assemble puzzle = Take it apart and put it back together.

This puzzle stands for the tight bond holding together the hearts of lovers the world over. The first step is to free the gold and silver hearts from the chain. Once complete, you have to try your best to get them back together. This puzzle, to be quite honest, is really tough. So…here’s to success in love and in puzzles! This is even the kind of puzzle that I would recommend trying with—yes, you guessed it—a loved one.

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Кошничка 13