
Huzzle Cast Hexagon

890 ден


  • Level 4
  • Material: Metal
  • Mission: Disassemble and assemble puzzle
  • Players: 1
  • Size Box 7,5×11,7×4,5cm

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: EUR38 Категории: , Таг:


Disassemble and assemble puzzle:

A puzzle made up of a collection of hexagon shaped pieces. It is made up of an inside with three pieces and an outside frame. One slides them around inside the frame and rotates them to try to get them out of the frame. At a glance the pieces appear to have the same shape but the exterior and interior are different, ending up with three pieces whose shapes are different. The theme is “Go Around”.

Created by Mine Uyematsu of Japan.
© 2015, 2018 Hanayama Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.



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