
My First Dinosaurs

1.790 ден

  • Број на играчи: 1
  • Вoзраст: 1 – 5
  • Издавач: Smartmax

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Листа на желби


Do you know all your dinosaurs? Travel back in time to prehistoric times. Build and play with the dinosaurs, but watch out for the T. Rex!

Discover SmartMax My First Dinosaurs and be ready for exciting adventures. Expand your SmartMax My First collection with these colourful dinosaurs.

SmartMax My First Dinosaurs is designed for kids ages 1 up to 5 years. Let the imagination roam free, and mix and match for crazy combinations. The soft animals simply click on the bars, making them ideal for little hands.

Introduce your kids with the magic and safe world of magnetics. SmartMax My First Dinosaurs includes 14 pieces and is compatible with all other SmartMax sets.




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