
Warhammer 40.000: Necrons Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

1.790 ден

  • Destroy enemies at a distance
  • Push-fit – no need for glue!
  • Includes choice of head and weapon
  • This product may take up to 35 days to dispatch.

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SKU: WH24 Категорија: Тагови: ,


The Destroyer Cults think nothing of sacrificing their physical forms to optimise themselves for slaughter. Lokhust Heavy Destroyers skim to battle upon repulsor-sled bodies, their upper limbs bound into gauss destructors or enmitic exterminators with which they decimate their foes with devastating blasts from afar.

Whether you’re looking to scythe through infantry or crack your enemy’s biggest tanks with ease, you’ll want a Lokhust Heavy Destroyer. This fast-moving gun platform pairs superbly with other Destroyer units or as a standalone for an army which just needs a little extra firepower.

This kit builds one Lokhust Heavy Destroyer. Push-fit construction means you won’t need any glue to build it, and the set comes with your choice of heads and deadly weapons. It is supplied in 33 plastic components and comes with a 60mm round base.



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