
Nintendo: Super Mario – Red Shell Light with Sound

1.390 ден

  • Plays official Red Shell sound
  • 12cm (4.7″) tall light
  • Powered by 2x AAA batteries (not included)
  • Officially licensed Nintendo® product and great for Mario Kart fans

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SKU: LI165 Категории: , , Тагови: , ,


Standing 12cm (4.7 inches) tall, this Red Shell light will add a warm glow wherever it is placed. Plus, each time it is switched on, it will play the official Red Shell sound. Powered by 2x AAA batteries (not included) the light is fully portable so it can be used anywhere in your home, gaming setup, or workplace.

This Red Shell Light with Sound is the perfect display light for any fan of the Mario Kart, whatever the occasion. Plus, any collector of official Mario Kart merchandise will welcome this unique light into their collection of memorabilia.



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