
Paladone Pac-Man – Ghost Light

2.190 ден

  • This PacMan light features 16 different phasing colors including purple, red, blue, green, yellow, light blue, orange, and so much more perfect no matter the mood you’re in.
  • Featuring 16 bright colors, this PacMan Ghost light flashes through all the colors rapidly to the beat of the music when party mode is selected.
  • 20cm tall.
  • Contains 1 ghost light and 1 Micro USB cord. Not suitable for children ages 3 and under.  Recommended for ages 8 +.

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SKU: LI14 Категории: , , Таг:


This PAC-MAN Ghost Light is a colour changing mood light with two different modes to choose from.

The standard mode will see the light phase through 16 different colours on repeat. Enabling the ‘Party Mode’ switch on the back will allow the light to change colour in time to music – with an adjustable sensitivity dial making it possible to alter the setting for better reactions to loud or quiet music. The 20 cm lamp comes with a micro USB cable.



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