
Paladone The Nightmare Before Christmas: Deadly Night Shade – Glow in the Dark Glass

890 ден

  • Disney The Nightmare Before Christmas Glow In The Dark Glass
  • 350ml capacity
  • Packaged in a presentation box
  • 100% official The Nightmare Before Christmas glass

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Листа на желби
SKU: MUG179 Категории: , ,


What’s this, what’s this?

Well, we’ll tell you what it is, fans of Disney’s The Nightmare Before Christmas – a rather epic goblet style drinking glass that we think you’ll be enchanted by! Housed in a collectible gift box, the glass has a glow in the dark motif with the words “Deadly Nightshade” printed grimly on the side. Fill it up with your favourite cold beverage so that, like the shadow on the moon at night, you will fill your dreams to the brim with fright…



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