
Pyramid Harry Potter – Always Themed Cappuccino Mug (650ml)

1.490 ден

  • GIANT SIZE, HIGH QUALITY MUG – a massive 650ml (twice the size of a standard mug) shaped like an oversized tea cup – perfect for enjoying tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or even butter beer
  • STUNNING DESIGN FEATURING THE WHOMPING WILLOW – the mystical tree that covers up a secret passage leading to the village of Hogsmeade
  • REVERSE SHOWS THE DEATHLY HALLOWS LOGO – and the quote ‘After all this time’ – the words Dumbledore says to Snape, who proclaims his heartfelt love for Lily Potter with the single poignant word ‘Always’
  • GREAT GIFT FOR HARRY POTTER FANS OF ALL AGES – anyone who loves the tales of the famous boy wizard will enjoy this distinctive mug that conjures up the magical world Harry lives in
  • GENUINE HARRY POTTER MERCHANDISE – inspired by the films starring HARRY POTTER and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and approved by Warner Bros for a real piece of the wizarding world

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The Pyramid International mug is an essential accessory as we use it mainly for hot drinks such as coffee, tea or hot chocolate, but of course it can also be used for any other type of drink. It has a more informal character, compared to a cup, and for this reason it is ideal for everyday…



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