
Spook Manor

1.390 ден

  • Броj на играчи: 1-4
  • Времетраење: 30 мин.
  • Возраст: 14 +
  • Издавач: Final Frontier Games
  • македонски издавач

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We are proud to announce Spook Manor, designed by David Bruglia and Drake Villareal with art by The Mico!

It’s been fifty years since Startleton was terrorized by monsters in motor carriages. They were never to be seen or heard of again, and so with time the monsters become nothing but a part of old folks tales and scary campfire stories. Since then, Spook Manor has sat empty and fallen into disrepair. Recently, a local group of children decided to prove that “there are no such things as monsters” and so they gathered up the courage to go on an adventure and explore the manor.



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