
Battles of Legend: Chapter 1

990 ден

Each Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 box contains a grand total of:

  • 1 Secret Rare
  • 6 Ultra Rares (in different name colors)
  • 30 Commons
  • 1 of 6 collectible dice

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SKU: KON03-4 Категории: , , Таг:


A New Chance at Cards of Legend!
Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 brings you an encore performance for many of the most popular cards from Battles of Legend: Light’s RevengeBattles of Legend: Relentless RevengeBattles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge, and Battles of Legend: Armageddon, plus related cards from other past releases!Highlights of this massive set include:* The return of long-awaited monsters like Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord and Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon.* Another crack at the unearthly, Astral-language version of Number 39: Utopia, originally released in Battles of Legend: Armageddon!

* Six new collectible dice, each sporting a popular monster design including Cyber DragonJudgment Dragon, or Elemental HERO Stratos.




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