
Bloomburrow Prerelease Pack

2.200 ден

  • 6 Bloomburrow™ Play Boosters; each Play Booster contains 14 Magic cards
  • 1 foil, year-stamped Rare or Mythic Rare
  • 1 Magic: The Gathering Arena code card (only available in select regions)
  • 1 deck box
  • 1 Spindown die

Нема на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WCMG52-6 Категории: , Таг:


In Bloomburrow, the Valley is threatened by elemental forces raging out of control, and salvation falls on the shoulders of its smallest protectors. Players will put their best paws forward, fighting alongside mice, frogs, bats, birds, and myriad other critters to restore the balance of peace—and prove bravery comes in all sizes.

  • 6 Bloomburrow™ Play Boosters; each Play Booster contains 14 Magic cards
  • 1 foil, year-stamped Rare or Mythic Rare
  • 1 Magic: The Gathering Arena code card (only available in select regions)
  • 1 deck box
  • 1 Spindown die


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