
Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate Draft Booster

400 ден

  • 20 Magic cards per CLB Draft Booster
  • 1–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher in every pack
  • At least 2 Legendary cards and 1 Traditional Foil card in every pack
  • Grab 3 boosters, pick 2 cards at a time, and build a 60-card Commander deck
  • Play epic multiplayer Magic games in the world of Dungeons & Dragons

10 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WCMG34 Категории: , Таг:


Every Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate Draft Booster contains at least one legendary creature or planeswalker and at least one legendary Background card. Each Booster contains a total of 20 cards:

  • 1 Legendary creature or planeswalker (rare or mythic rare in 31% of boosters)
  • 1 Legendary Background (rare in 1 of 12 boosters)
  • 1 Non-legendary rare or mythic rare card
  • 3 Uncommons
  • 13 Commons
  • 1 Traditional foil card of any rarity
  • 1 Token, ad card, or dungeon card
Draft Booster collation graphic


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