
Deluxe Battle Deck Meowscarada Ex

1.790 ден


  • x1 ready-to-play 60 card deck, x1 playmat, x1 set of damage counters, x1 large metallic coin, x2 condition markers, x1 deck box, x1 strategy sheet, x1 code card to play online
  • Dimensions: 4.1L x 15.5W x 16.6H cm
  • Advanced Ex Battle Deck
  • Features Scarlet and Violet starter Pokémon at their final evolution
  • 3 foil cards guaranteed
  • Two styles to collect

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SKU: POK57-2 Категории: , , Таг:


A new deluxe challenge awaits you and your opponent with the Deluxe Battle Decks – Quaquaval Ex/Meowscarada Ex. The new Pokémon TCG: Deluxe Battle Decks will challenge players with more advanced strategies and additional power cards. Each 60 card deck includes 3 foil cards and everything you need to play right away. Let the deluxe battle begin!

In each box, you’ll find: x1 ready-to-play 60 card deck, x1 playmat, x1 set of damage counters, x1 large metallic coin, x2 condition markers, x1 deck box, x1 strategy sheet, x1 code card to play online.



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