
Exit: The Game – The Mysterious Museum

1.190 ден

  • Броj на играчи: 1-4
  • Времетраење: 45-90 мин
  • Возраст: 12+
  • Издавач: KOSMOS

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


You are on a trip to the Florence Natural History Museum, intent on visiting the sunken treasure of the Santa Maria. Your relaxing day at the museum is quickly derailed by an incredible adventure! Can you solve the mysteries of the museum and find a way out? Difficulty Level: 2 of 5. This game can be played only one time because you must markup, fold, and tear the game materials to solve the riddles and escape.

Награди и признанија:

  • 2018 Guldbrikken Best Parlor Game Nominee
  • 2017 Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner
  • 2017 Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominee




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Кошничка 3