
Lorcana – Rise of the Floodborn Booster

500 ден

Each booster contains 12 randomized cards:

  • 6 common cards
  • 3 uncommon cards
  • 2 rare, super rare, or legendary cards
  • 1 foil card (random rarity level)

18 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: RAV216-2 Категорија: Таг:


In the realm of Lorcana, even the most familiar of faces may surprise you. At the center of this wondrous place is the Great Illuminary, where Illumineers wield magical ink to create glimmers of beloved Disney characters and begin their adventures together.

Gather your team, race other Illumineers for lore, and discover the secrets that Lorcana holds.

Unlike starter decks, booster packs contain twelve random cards from Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn. Use booster packs to build and customize your deck with abilities and characters beyond those found in starter decks.



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