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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals Dracothian Guard

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SKU: WH100 Категорија: Тагови: ,


Born into the Stormcast Eternals as a natural leader, extraordinarily gifted with the talent of leadership, the Lord-Celestants are notable for their stoic tenacity and fighting ability. On foot, they are virtually unmatched – atop a vicious Dracoth, they become capable of dealing absolutely astonishing damage, combining the lightning-spitting fury of the Dracoth with their tempestos hammers and thunderaxes.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble a Lord-Celestant on Dracoth, armed with a selection of weapons including tempestos hammer, thunderaxe, lightning hammer, stormstrike glaive and sigmarite shield, and one of four variants of the Dracothion Guard:

– a Fulminator, armed with stormstrike glaive and sigmarite shield;
– a Tempestor, armed with volleystorm crossbow, warblade and sigmarite shield;
– a Concussor, armed with lightning hammer and sigmarite shield;
– a Desolator, armed with thunderaxe and sigmarite shield.

Comes supplied with two Citadel 90x52mm Oval bases.



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