
Werewolves: Night of the Vampires

990 ден

  • Број на играчи: 6-24
  • Времетраење:  30-90 мин
  • Вoзраст: 10+
  • Издавач: Pegasus Spiele

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


Wherever werewolves are up to mischief, vampires are not far away. This is also the case with the sequel to the communication game, Werewolves – Night of the Vampires, in which the bloodsuckers are loose. The proven game principle remains the same: Every night the vampires secretly devour a human. The following day, all players discuss who among them could be a vampire – and can lynch the most suspicious person after voting. Special characters like the insomniac and the investigator can unmask the vampires, but will people believe them the next day?

Werewolves – Night of the Vampires is stand-alone, but can also be combined with Werewolves New Edition to play with up to 48 people in three teams (vampire, werewolf, village).



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