

1.990 ден

  • Броj играчи:2-4
  • Времетраење:  45-90 мин
  • Возраст: 9+
  • Издавач: Flatlined Games

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: DI703 Категории: , Тагови: , ,


You’re waking up from the hibernation pods. The hibernation room doesn’t look like the one in which you were being sent to sleep. In the nearby pods, other crew members are also slowly emerging from their pods. Your eyes are not yet completely open when alarms start flashing red and a metallic voice shouts from the loudspeakers «Alien presence detected, evacuation in progress, self-destruction in GRRRRZZZRRRRR minutes»…

In Argo, a group of astronauts attempts desperately to survive as they explore a mysterious space station and are besieged by horrible alien monsters. The only hope is to reach the shuttles. However the seats are limited, not everyone will be able to escape. This leads to a frantic every-man-for-itself race, where the others are at best obstacles, and at worst bait to hold the fierce Aliens back while you run…

But be careful: If too many die, the Aliens win! So while this is a competitive game, some level of cooperation will be required, lest everyone lose to the Aliens.




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