
Duskmourn: House of Horror Play Booster

350 ден

  • 14 Magic: The Gathering cards
  • Each Play Booster may contain these cards: DSK 1–367, SPG 64–73
  • 1-4 cards of rarity Rare of higher (2: 23%; 3: 1%; 4: <1%)
  • 3-5 Uncommon cards
  • 6-9 Common cards
  • 1 Land card (Traditional Foil Land replaces a Land in 20% of boosters)
  • 1 card of any rarity is Traditional Foil; Foil Borderless Mythic Rare in 1% of boosters

33 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WCMG21-39 Категории: , Таг:


In Duskmourn: House of Horror, players will dare to enter this plane-enveloping House where their fears come to life. Evil manifests Nightmares and Glitch Ghosts and turns toys and shadows lethal. Players may even face the evil within themselves—but they will be rewarded for their bravery. Invite them to come play—it’s their skin in the game.

Play Boosters are the ideal booster for the play environment—especially Limited format events. Plus, they’re a thrilling pack-opening experience, providing players the opportunity to snag multiple Rare cards or even a possible Booster Fun treatment.

  • 14 Magic: The Gathering cards
  • Each Play Booster may contain these cards: DSK 1–367, SPG 64–73
  • 1-4 cards of rarity Rare of higher (2: 23%; 3: 1%; 4: <1%)
  • 3-5 Uncommon cards
  • 6-9 Common cards
  • 1 Land card (Traditional Foil Land replaces a Land in 20% of boosters)
  • 1 card of any rarity is Traditional Foil; Foil Borderless Mythic Rare in 1% of boosters


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