
Exit: The Game – Kidnapped in Fortune City

1.190 ден

Броj на играчи: 1-4
Времетраење: 45-90 мин
Возраст: 10+
Издавач: KOSMOS

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


Can you solve the riddles and stop the kidnapping before it’s too late?

Criminal activity is rampant in the frontier town of Fortune City, and now the sheriff has disappeared without a trace. With precious little time to find him, players need to work together to solve the crime. Over the course of the game, your investigation will lead you through Fortune City, with clues and strange items to be found throughout. You will need to search for answers in the saloon, drugstore, gunsmith, post office, prison, and bank. But in a unique twist, you will decide the order in which you will visit these locations and who you will interrogate along the way. Together with your team, you will collect clues and evaluate the townspeoples’ testimonies. But will you get the answers you need to rescue the sheriff in time?

In the style of Dead Man on the Orient Express and Theft on the Mississippi, players must get to the bottom of a kidnapping in the Wild West in addition to solving all the riddles.

Difficulty level: 3.5 of 5

Exit: The Game – Kidnapped in Fortune City is a puzzle game modeled after escape rooms, and it includes components meant to be folded, written upon, or torn, so it’s marketed as a single-use game.




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