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Funko Pop! Yu-Gi-Oh! – Mai Valentine #1060

690 ден-30% ОНЛАЈН Попуст!

  • Производител: Funko
  • Висина: ≈10см.

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SKU: FP01-129 Категории: , , , ,


Funko Pop! Yu-Gi-Oh! – Mai Valentine #1060

Launching in 1996, Yu-Gi-Oh is a Japanese manga series that took the world by storm, going on to spawn a range of tv shows, video games, card games and now, Pop! Vinyls.

Yu-Gi-Oh! tells the tale of Yugi Mutou, a timid young boy who loves all sorts of games, but is often bullied around. One day, he solves an ancient puzzle known as the Millennium Puzzle, causing his body to play host to a mysterious spirit with the personality of a gambler.

From that moment onwards, whenever Yugi or one of his friends is threatened by those with darkness in their hearts, this other Yugi shows himself and challenges them to dangerous Shadow Games, which reveal the true nature of someone’s heart, the losers of these contests often being subjected to a dark punishment called a Penalty Game. Whether it be cards, dice, or role-playing board games, he will take on challenges from anyone, anywhere.

An absolute MUST for any true Yu-Gi-Oh fan!



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