
GraviTrax The Game – Impact

1.690 ден

  • Возраст: 8+
  • Издавач: Ravensburger

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


  • GraviTrax The Game Impact from Ravensburger invites boys and girls from 8 years to solve tricky puzzles with a marble run
  • With 30 task cards, the action stone hammer and a total of 27 building blocks, children are introduced to the construction of a marble run in a creative way
  • No starter set is required to solve the varied tasks and all parts can be easily integrated into the GraviTrax world
  • Whether on holiday, indoors at home, alone or with friends, thinking and playing fun is guaranteed with GraviTrax The Game. An ideal gift for both beginners and advanced users
  • The well-known marble run system as brainteaser: children solve challenging logic puzzles and learn the laws of physics in a playful way


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Кошничка 31