

1.490 ден

  • Броj играчи: 2-4
  • Времетраење:  30-45 мин
  • Возраст: 13+
  • Издавач:  Pendragon Game Studio

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: DI108 Категории: , Тагови: , ,


The civilization of ancient Greece reached its height between the 8th and 6th Centuries BC. During this era, mighty city-states competed in every way: art, architecture, religion, commerce, and even war. Each city fought for supremacy over the others in a relentless struggle for control of the land and the exploitation of its resources.

In Hexemonia, you are the leader of a growing Greek city-state. You must compete for supremacy over the other city-states by expanding your city, controlling the resources produced by the land, and using your military and cultural might to overcome your rivals.

Your goal is to make your own city-state prosper, by accumulating wealth, conquering neighboring lands, expanding your city, and obtaining the favor of the gods. The winner is the player with the most victory points at the end of the game.



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Кошничка 18