
Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders

1.890 ден

  • Броj на играчи: 1-4
  • Времетраење: 30-120 мин.
  • Возраст: 12+
  • Издавач: CGE
  • Експанзија за Lost Ruins of Arnak (за да ја играте, потребна ви е основната игра)

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


Return to the mysterious island of Arnak in this new expansion – Expedition Leaders!

Give your expedition an edge by choosing one of six unique leaders, each equipped with different abilities, skills, and starting decks that offer different strategies and styles of play for you to explore.

In addition to the leader abilities, which bring a new element of asymmetry to the game, this expansion also contains alternative research tracks that offer even more variety and a bigger challenge, along with new item and artifact cards to create new combos and synergies.

Lost Ruins of Arnak is an award-winning board game that offers a unique combination of worker placement and deckbuilding, while each player attempts to uncover the lost island’s secrets.


  • 6 leader boards
  • 24 leader-specific cards (4 per leader)
  • leader-specific components
    • 1 gray archaeologist
    • 1 eagle tile
    • 1 suitcase tile
    • 3 snack tokens
  • 1 double-sided research track
  • 18 items
  • 12 artifacts
  • 4 level I sites
  • 3 level II sites
  • 3 assistants
  • 4 idols
  • 5 guardians
  • 1 red moon staff
  • 6 random-role tokens
  • 4 tent tiles


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