
Murders at Karlov Manor Prerelease Pack

2.200 ден

  • 6 Murders at Karlov Manor Play Boosters; each Play Booster contains 14 Magic cards
  • 1 foil, year-stamped Rare or Mythic Rare
  • 1 of 3 new Mythic Rare cards exclusive to Prerelease Pack (not playable as part of Prerelease deck)
  • 1 Magic: The Gathering Arena code card (only available in select regions)
  • 1 deck box
  • 1 Spindown die

2 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WCMG52-1 Категории: , Тагови: ,


Murder! Mystery! Magic! A string of alarming murders streaks across the plane of Ravnica, and your players will step into the shoes of Ravnica’s greatest detectives to track the clues and crack the case. Will they uncover the mastermind before it’s too late?

If solving one case isn’t enough for your players, there are even more puzzles to be solved, woven into the Murders at Karlov Manor products. Let your players put their detective skills to the test!



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