
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander Decks (4 различни)

3.190 ден

  • Each Commander deck contains the following:
    • Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster Sample Pack with the following:
      • 1 Traditional foil uncommon Breaking News card
      • 1 Traditional foil or non-foil rare or mythic rare wanted poster variant, Breaking News card, extended-art variant, or borderless variant
    • 10 Double-sided tokens (with rules on the back for bounty cards)
    • 1 Deck box
    • 1 Life wheel
    • 1 Strategy insert
Листа на желби
Листа на желби
SKU: WCMG41-11 Категории: , Таг:


In Outlaws of Thunder Junction, your players will join Oko’s crew of deadly desperados as they plot a heist in the frontier world of Thunder Junction. They’ll face harsh deserts, hostile critters, and even rival outlaws—but with grit and gumption, they’ll ride off into the sunset.

In Commander, four players come together to show their strength and strategy, with one player coming out on top. Each 100-card ready-to-play Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander Deck makes it easy for Commander fans in your store to grab a deck and play right away.



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