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The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Set Booster Box

12.990 ден-13% ОНЛАЈН Попуст!

  • CONTENTS—30 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth MTG Set Boosters + 1 Traditional Foil Borderless Realms & Relics Box Topper card

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SKU: WCMG34-5 Категории: , Таг:


  • MAGIC MEETS THE LORD OF THE RINGS—Experience the beloved story of The Lord of the Rings with the strategic gameplay of Magic: The Gathering, facing off against opponents in thrilling magical battles
  • ART CARD, RARE CARD, AND FOIL IN EVERY PACK—Every Set Booster includes at least 1 shining Traditional Foil card, at least 1 card of rarity Rare or higher (with up to 4!), and 1 Art Card showcasing a piece of art from the set
  • ALTERNATE-ART CARD IN EVERY PACK—Whether it’s a Borderless Scene card with art that’s one piece of a larger, multi-card scene or a Showcase Ring card with art circled by the inscription from the One Ring, every Set Booster contains at least 1 special alt-art, alt-frame card
  • CONTENTS—30 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth MTG Set Boosters + 1 Traditional Foil Borderless Realms & Relics Box Topper card


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