
Comparity: Around the World

490 ден

Броj на играчи: 2-5
Времетраење: 20 мин.
Возраст: 12+
Издавач: Magellan

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


Comparity is a series of fast-paced, compact board games in which you compare everything in the world, from the heights of famous buildings to the box offices of classic movies.

Statistically, every other fridge in our country is decorated with magnets representing world landmarks — the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Colosseum, Neuschwanstein castle, the Empire State building — even if the fridge’s owner has never left his neighborhood. But now you don’t need a refrigerator to visit famous tourist landmarks! In this edition of board game Comparity, a hundred world-famous buildings, monuments, cathedrals, and even bridges are waiting for you to sort them by height and date of construction.

On your turn, you can place a card in the grid or check if a previous player placed their card correctly. If you check and the placement is correct, you must draw a 2 card, but if it was placed incorrectly then the person who played it must draw 3 cards.

The player who manages to get rid of all their cards first is the winner.



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Кошничка 8