
My First Memory Game – Favourite Things

790 ден

  • Броj играчи: 2-8
  • Возраст: 2+
  • Издавач: Ravensburger

1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


  • 24 beautifully illustrated pictured cards featuring items that young children recognise in their everyday lives. Including a teddy bear, red ship, yellow plane and more. The extra-large memory cards are made from extra-thick cardboard and were designed for children aged 2 years and above. A great first memory® game to practice concentration and memory skills. Find the most pairs to win! There are 12 different pairs to match up and collect in this classic game. The game play can be varied to suit different ages and abilities; for younger children use fewer cards, but you’ll be surprised at just how good children are at this game – there is every chance that as their skills develop they will beat you!Each set of the Mini Memory card games contains 24 Cards for a great game of matching pairs or snap! For 2 to 4 players. Perfect games for Children 3 years old and up. Fully complies with all necessary UK and EU testing standards. It also makes a great travel game!Ravensburger are one of the largest board game manufacturers, with millions of games sold worldwide. Our kid’s games make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. Perfect toys for your child – Games for kids of every age help support a child’s development as they play, building skills such as concentration and creativity.


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