
Exit: The Game – The Professor’s Last Riddle 

1.190 ден

Броj на играчи: 1-4
Времетраење: 45-90 мин
Возраст: 12+
Издавач: KOSMOS


1 на залиха

Листа на желби
Листа на желби


Around the world with EXIT! The world-famous professor Ian Jones recently passed away. The archaeologist loved puzzles! His travels took him to all parts of the world. He tirelessly searched for treasures believed to be lost, deciphered codes and translated secret writings.

In this EXIT game, the 1-4 players can prove what they have learned from the professor while searching for his estate. Can you decipher the professor’s legacy? Luckily, there are many tools at your disposal in this escape room game. Hurry, the time is ticking!

Exit: The Game – The Professor’s Last Riddle is a puzzle game modeled after escape rooms, and it includes components meant to be folded, written upon, or torn, so it’s marketed as a single-use game.




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